Tips To Improve Voice Control For Business Presentations


The content of a presentation is important, for sure. But some elements of presentation delivery hold equal significance to that of the content itself. One of the key elements is voice control and management. Voice control serves as one of the essential tools in drawing attention, keeping the audience engaged throughout the presentation.  

In business presentations, the primary goal is to inspire your audience and leave an impact on them. When you handover the task of presenting your next product or project proposals to an employee, make sure they are good at voice control. And if they do not master this area yet, you can help them by providing a training opportunity.  

This article aims to provide you with tips to manage voice and intonations effectively while delivering business presentations.  

Five tips for using your voice effectively in presentations  

Effective utilization of your vocal cords can prove to be your gateway to success when it comes to giving professional presentations. If you want the employees in your company to deliver excellent presentations and exhibit powerful intonations, you need to ensure they possess the required skills.  

You can ensure that by helping your employees acquire presentation skills training in Dubai from a reputable company and learn to use their voice with power and might. With the help of training, they will be able to exercise the following tips for making their presentation excellent and inspirational: 

1. Variation in Volume and Melody 

When someone speaks with an absolutely regular volume with no ups and downs, it fails to grab the attention of an average listener. If you deliver your presentation with regular speech without any variation in volume or incorporation of melodious, the audience will lose interest in no time.  To avoid that, you must prepare well for the presentation.  

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When you are preparing for it, pay attention and deice which passages, statements, or words require you to increase or decrease in volume while speaking.  Decide when to speak louder, softer, to exhibit your passion and confidence.  

2. Ensure Clarity in Articulation 

Make sure when you speak, people listen and understand every word that you utter. Without your audience understanding what you are saying, or intending to deliver, there’s no use of presenting. Make sure your tone is consistent with the content that you are transmitting.  

If you intend to be indignant, you can’t do so with a soft tone. If you intend control of a situation, you can’t do it with a desperate demeanor. It is essential for you to internalize the content so that the expressions and tone come naturally to you when you are there to present the content.  

3. Emphasize Important Words 

When you prepare for your presentation, make sure you internalize the content. In doing so, you will be able to identify the words and catchphrases, which may interest the audience. There will also be parts of the content that you want them to pay special attention to for your company’s benefit. For this, you can easily practice making vocal intonations and change in pace.  

When you change the pace while speaking, take a pause or repeat a phrase, it is sure to create emphasis and reflect your passion towards it.  

4. Take Pauses and Identify Your Normal Pace 

The pace is very important in speeches. You need to know your natural pace and identify the points where you need to take a pause. Pauses are important as these make the audience ponder on what you just said. These also help with grabbing the attention of those listeners who have zoned out amidst the presentation.  

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In a brief moment, when you pause, you get a moment to take a deep breath and carry on with your natural pace. But you also need to ensure that you have identified and practiced your natural pace. For this, you will need to practice speaking with all kinds of pace. With practice and exercise, you will know where you are comfortable. 

5. Exercise Breath Control  

How you speak is affected greatly by the way you breathe. Singers often take a deep breath before beginning to sing.  When you speak, and the sound comes out, it is because of the air that comes out of the trachea. While you deliver your presentation, you need to relax and take deep breathes. 

Breathe in with your nose, and breathe out with the mouth. It will have a relaxing impact on your mind and body. It will also help you overcome anxiety and shakiness in your voice.   

Looking forward to ace voice control in presentations?  

While soft skills are essentially important for presentations in general, vice control holds a lot of significance. You need to ensure that the presenters in your company are able to reflect confidence and power with the way they speak to your key stakeholders.   

Help them acquire presentation skill training to adequately control their voice. Thus, they will be able to exercise breath control, use vocal intonations and variations, and place emphasis where needed.   

You can reflect high confidence and passion through presentations easily. Thus, make wise decisions!