10 Instances Where You Can Make Slideshows To Improve Communication


Slideshows are a great communication tool. They are smart and easy to go through, as well as, make it easy for you to talk about something without using a lot of words. You can comfortably let the pictures do the talking.

Whether it’s personal or professional, slideshows can come in handy when you want to tell people about something that you like while also exercising your creative muscles.

Here are the top 10 instances where you can use slideshows to make a better point.

1. Introducing Yourself

Talking about yourself could be a boring thing for many people. Whether it is speaking about your achievements or your hobbies and interests, a monologue might put a lot of your friends and colleagues to sleep.

The better way to ace this is to create a slideshow where you highlight the most interesting parts about you that tell your story in the most engaging way possible.

Use videos, photos, and music that has a personal connection to you so that those who are watching the slideshow can also connect with you at a closer level!

2. Presenting An Idea

Nothing inspires your passion more than a kickass idea that you have thought of all by yourself. Talking about it lights up your eyes, and people around you can see the fire in you.

However, what would make this better would be a compelling slideshow that explains your idea to your audience using visual examples and references.

Not only do these make it easier for your audience to understand your vision, but also, this will increase your chances of getting a favorable response from a potential client or investor.

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3. Talking About Your Work and Portfolio

What you do might be very compelling, interesting, fun, or impactful. But if it is not packaged the right way, the chances are that you do not get to brag about it. Even the best of projects lose out when you do not talk about it often or in the right way.

Your work might be in finance, art, or the social sector, but using slideshows, you can tell a story that would help your audience relate to it and get behind it. It might make getting a job or snagging new clients insanely easier. Or it might get you that scholarship that you have been vying for!

4. Planning an Event

Have a wedding to plan for your bestie? Or have a fundraiser to organize for your NGO? You are sure to have a bunch of ideas that you want to execute.

A great way to have a clearer idea about what you want to do as well as to instruct those helping you out would be to put your plans on a slideshow. This would get your planning crew on board in a fun and casual way, making it easy for you to hold their attention and assign tasks!

5. Talking About your Business Goals

Whether you run a big corporation or a small business, you are bound to have some goals that you are aiming to achieve within a finite period of time. It is, therefore, essential for all your team members to be on board with your plans to help the business attain the same.

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However, business goals are not the most fun thing to talk about. But you can make them entertaining by creating a visual delight with the help of a photo slideshow maker with music.

6. Showcasing Results for Your Business

Numbers and figures, much like business goals, can be a bit of a drag. To keep your colleagues, partners, or clients from dozing off in the middle of an important presentation, jazz it up with a slide show.

Make it quick, easy to read, and include valuable insights without the boring monologue. You will be surprised to see how a little bit of movement can truly change the way that your content feels and its impact on your  audience.

7. Adding an Extra Zing to Your School & College Projects

Do you feel like you are just one step away from that extra grade? Your project already looks amazing, but take it to another level by ditching the regular PowerPoint and replacing it with a slideshow!

Like your ideas, your projects would also benefit from the visual spectacle of a smartly created slideshow. Whether you are talking about science or literature, the right way is to use a series of smartly constructed slides that make your point and entertains your class and teacher!

8. Getting People to Sign Up for a Charitable Cause

People don’t get on board for charitable causes all that easily. We all know that we need to help, but we also want to know that we are putting in our money for a cause that is worthy.

People react well to visual proof about the injustices that demand their action or support. You are more likely to have people support you if you have tangible proof or representation of the cause that you want to highlight – whether it’s climate change or helping the differently-abled population.

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9. Surprising a Friend or Family Member for a Special Event 

Embarrassing childhood photos, memories from days gone by, or a fun montage of your closest friends wishing you a happy birthday – all of these are sure to make you feel special.

Then why not make this effort for another friend or family member! On the occasion of their birthday, anniversary, or any special event, you can create a slideshow that is tailor-made for them. We promise you; they will love it because it is personalized and intimate.

10. Paying Someone A Tribute

It could be your favorite celebrity or your pet whom you recently lost, but a slide show is a great way to remember them and all the times that you have spent together. 

Create a montage of their photos with a soundtrack of your choice and show your respect for people whom you love. This could be a very emotional and loving way of expressing yourself!


While you are contemplating making slideshows for all of these above tasks, you might be wondering – what is the best free youtube video editor? Do your research online, find the best editing options, and get started on your new creative pursuit.