How Book Editing Services Have Become An Important Part of a Writer’s Journey?


Writing your book is the first big step towards reaching your ambition of making it big in the literary world. This is followed by one of the most crucial steps, i.e., publishing, which decides the overall structure and shape of the book. Be it a writer at any stage of their career; a debutante needs book editing services as much as a writer with ample publications does.

These book editing services are not centered around a core structure but can be applied towards any genre of the book, whether fiction or non-fiction. Submission of the manuscript must be error-free, concise, crisp, and clear, with the basic concept of the literary piece being made clear to the editor going through it. It becomes all the more critical, especially if you are aiming for a self-publication since there are no editors to take a glance at it. Writers are usually confused about availing these services since they are not aware of the different kinds of book services that exist. However, they should be reassured that no part of editing involves making structure, plot, or character changes that might not fit well within the demands put forward by the publisher and the creative liberty of the author.

There is a big difference between the way fiction and non-fiction contents are edited. The goals and content of these books are different, and so is the approach. A fiction book may contain a storyline to entertain the reader, whilst a non-fiction book tends to educate the reader about a specific topic with factual references. There is a language variation according to the target audience concerning their knowledge level. There are four types of book editing services, i.e.

1) Proofreading:

The term has a logical connotation associated with it. It derives its names from the ‘proofs’ set by typesetters, that is generated before running the final print. There is a complete layout of the basic structure needed for assembling the final copy and involves tables, diagrams, photos, however in today’s time of electronic devices; these are usually called uncorrected proofs which are in the form of PDF files.

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The publisher, if you need one or the self-independent author, works hard to assemble the manuscript into the final layout of the book. Any form of editing, be it a small structural change or a significant tweak in the plot, can be an extremely expensive affair since the effect will be visible on the subsequent pages added in the book. The number of financial resources that will be needed to make these new developments to the final copy of the book and the design will be huge; therefore, it is not advisable to go for changes once the complete layout has been put together.

The process of proofreading is generally added towards the end of the book, that is before the e-book, or final copy has been published, sent to distributors. This is an extremely crucial process since it involves hunting down small typos, which may lurk in the story or a plot inconsistency, which may not account for an enjoyable method of reading. Proofreading also makes sure that there is no awkward word split which has been towed to the next page or an incomplete sentence left hanging on the previous page. It is the most crucial step which comes into play post the manuscript has been edited.

2) Line editing:

This is one of the more intricate processes of book editing services in India, which focuses on the smaller details of a literary piece which includes the tone, style, flow of ideas and most importantly, the kind of imagery used to invoke the various nuances that a reader wishes to suggest through incorporating various elements. Line editors are important contributors who work upon reducing the redundancy, make the plot crisper, and add a touch of natural essence to it. They are key figures in setting the structure and the final design of the story.

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3) Developmental editing:

This is one of the final steps of editorial, which allows the book to retain a final, substantial, and developmental edit to it.  This includes a heavy dosage of proofreading and copy editing, along with a critical analysis of the major components of the story. This includes the following elements: –

  •  Plot
  •  Structure
  • Timeline
  •  Speed
  • Display
  • Design
  • Relatability
  • Story flow
  • Commercial feasibility

This is one of the most important steps of publication; the author’s inputs are much needed regarding the drafting stage. The author is required to present in a lot more than just one or two drafts. Feedback from a closed group consisting of friends and family is also an important method to smoothen the creases of your storyline and hand over a finished product to the publisher. 

Most often, these changes are incorporated on a chapter to chapter level with side comments mentioned in the sidebar as to how the complete write up can be improved.

4) Copy-editing:

This is the careful editing of each and every word that has been given in the literary piece. It mainly focuses on the flow of the story, along with grammar consistencies, syntax errors, and any typos which may have occurred during the formation of the text. Editors generally make use of word files, so that they can keep track of the edits they have made throughout the course of the literary piece. Special attention is paid to commas, quotations, punch marks, and semicolons. The author has the liberty to check each and every change made in the document and accept or reject it accordingly. The satisfaction of the author with the literary piece is of extreme importance, and the final draft is submitted only with the concern and satisfaction given by the author.

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5) Clarity:

It is one of the fundamental requirements of presenting a workpiece since most often, the essence of what needs to be conveyed is lost from the structure once there is a huge word count to be tackled. As the word count soars high, it is very important to understand that if the thoughts and words have not been expressed in a legible manner, it may affect the understanding capability of the reader since the words may seem like a huge entangled web.  Asking for professional contribution helps in ensuring that the vision and structure of the plot are on point and comprehensive to the reader.

Why should you avail of these services?

A professional book editing service will make sure that the writer understands the goal of his/her book, the flow and the message they wish to bring across the masses. According to this, the book editing services in India are designed to settle into the needs and requirements, based upon the type of book, genre, and target audience. The services also personalize book editing services to match the manuscript and construct it into the final published version. There should be a certain control over the style and colour hues of the book to make sure that everything is in synchronization with your needs and requirements.